
Traffic Impact Station

A portable smart pole that monitors the impact of traffic to plan for a greener future

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Key Technical Specs

The Impact Station™ is a versatile, portable "smart pole" platform for monitoring road traffic, pedestrians or emissions. It can be deployed in many situations, from busy arterial roads to remote locations and even indoors. The sensing equipment can safely and unobtrusively monitor traffic volume, speeds, noise and emissions.
Distinguishing features include:
  • Its portability
  • Simplicity in moving to and from a site
  • Scalability: several units can be moved to a single location
  • Very small footprint
  • Non obtrusive installation
  • Networked and cloud enabled, so sensing devices get easy access to the cloud
  • Ability to work indoors as well as out
  • Runs on 12 volt power
  • Can be powered by the sun or, for indoor deployments, on mains power
Compared to trailer-mounted platforms the Impact Station:
  • Can be positioned in places a trailer finds impossible to reach, such as behind a barrier fence or on top of stairs
  • Is easier to deliver multiple units at a single location
  • Can be carried and operated indoors (on battery for short durations and mains power for longer)
Use the Traffic Impact Station whenever
  • Road tubes are too dangerous
  • Videos are too costly
  • Timing is too tight
See how this system is being used in Victoria

Software and Reporting

  • Load into File Manager
  • Produce VicRoads' TAP-compliant outputs


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