T* - Headers Describing Tally Records

Header Key Description
TC Tally Type Classification
TD Tally Duration
TF Tally Totals
TL Tally Length Classification
TO Tally Component Ordering
TS Tally Speed Classification

Tally Type Classification

Where objects are counted by "type", this field is used to describe the type classification system used. Even if you don't store tallies, this may be used to describe the observation's 'vclass' attribute.

TC class_name,highest_id,_ignore_,lowest_id
class_name [REQUIRED]

A short name to reference this type classification system. This may also be the numeric identifier of a registered classification system. See registered classification systems

highest_id [REQUIRED]

The highest class ID used in this system

_ignore_ [optional]
This parameter is not currently used. Enter as blank.
lowest_id [optional]

If used, set this to either 0 or 1 to indicate what the lowest meaningful value in the classification system is

Note: You can provide labels for elements in this record using a SL header.


TC austroads94,13,,1
A system called 'austroads94' with 13 as the highest classification and 1 the lowest. In this case the TC_component in the T body record will contain 14 elements because it begins with element 0. See the T body record for more.
TC fhwaschemef,14
A system called 'fhwaschemef' with 14 as the highest classification and 0 the lowest. In this case the TC_component in the T body record will contain 15 elements because it begins with element 0. See the T body record for more.

Tally Duration

The period of each tally record

TD value
value [REQUIRED]
A Value for this parameter must be one of the following:
Value Meaning More Information
off Not recording tallies
m1 1 minutes 1 minute
m5 5 minutes 5 minutes
m15 15 minutes 15 minutes
hr 1 hour 1 hour (60 minutes)
day 1 day 1 day (24 hours, 1440 minutes)
month 1 month
year 1 year
Note: You can use values without the 'm'. For example, '15' is the same as 'm15'


TD off
No tallies ('T' records) recorded
TD 60
Tally data contains 60 minute increments
TD 15
Tally data contains 15 minute increments. This means tally sub-periods will be used.

Default Behavior:

If this record is not present in the file, the following record is implied

TD off


Tally Totals

Describes the statistics recorded in the tally record.

TF totalfield1[,totalfield2...]
totalfield(x) [REQUIRED]

This parameter may be repeated

A Value for this parameter must be one of the following:
Value Meaning More Information
motorized Motorized vehicles Count of all motorized vehicles
peds Pedestrians Count of pedestrians
bike Bicycles Count of bicycles
axles Axles Count of motorized axles
sens1 Sensor 1 (Since 1.262) Count of events on sensor 1
sens2 Sensor 2 (Since 1.262) Count of events on sensor 2
speeds Sum of Speeds Sum of motorized vehicle speeds. This uses the speed units defined in the 'FU' header
speeda Average Speed Average speed of all observations. This uses the speed units defined in the 'FU' header
occupancy Average Occupancy Average occupancy as a fraction
tempair Air temperature Average air temperature in degrees centigrade
rssiavg Average RSSI (Since 1.261) Average received signal strength indicator, for bluetooth or wireless devices
aadt AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
aadtpctchange AADT percentage change Percentage change between successive AADT values
aadtobs AADT Observations Number of AADT observations used to estimate another value
aadtacf Axle Correction Factor (Since 1.281) Axle correction factor expressed as axles per vehicle (0.5 = 2 axle vehicle).
qc Quality Rating A quality rating for counted values. This value is determined by the software producing the data.
truckpct Percent Trucks Percentage of trucks (commercial vehicles)
speedpct85 85th percentile speed 85th percentile speed. This uses the speed units defined in the 'FU' header


TF motorized,axles

Tally Length Classification

Where objects are counted by "length", this field is used to describe the length classification system used.

TL class_name,cutoff_length1[,cutoff_length2...]
class_name [REQUIRED]

A short name to reference this length classification system. This may also be the numeric identifier of a registered classification system.

cutoff_length(x) [REQUIRED]

The right side of each length bin. The units are specified by the 'FU' record. The left side of the first length bin is 0. There is always an implied final bin which starts from the last cutoff_length value and extends to infinity.

This parameter may be repeated

Note: You can provide labels for elements in this record using a SL header.


TL US_TPF_5_192,6.5,21.5,49.0
Describes a four bin system: 0 to 6.5, 6.5 to 21.5, 21.5 to 49.0, over 49.0 (this is the implied final bin)

Tally Component Ordering

Describes how to interpret the array of count values in each 'T' body record

TO component1[,component2...]
component(x) [optional]

The components of each tally ('T') count record

This parameter may be repeated

A Value for this parameter must be one of the following:
Value Meaning
TF Component related to TF: total count fields
TC Component related to TC: tallied type classifications
TS Component related to TS: tallied speed classifications
TL Component related to TL: tallied length classifications
TP Component related to speed by length (TP)


Each 'T' record will contain an array of binned counts for the TF, TS and TC components, in that order.

Default Behavior:

The default behavior is based on
  • which 'TF', 'TC', 'TS' and 'TL' records are present in the header
  • The "natural ordering" of these components, which is as follows: 'TF', 'TC', 'TS' and 'TL'
For example, if TO is not defined, and the header defines a TL and TC record, the components of the tally count values will be TC,TL. This is because the natural ordering shown above puts TL component values after TC.

Tally Speed Classification

Where objects are counted by "speed", this field is used to describe the speed classification system used.

TS class_name,speed_bins,speed_inc,speed_start
class_name [REQUIRED]

A short name to reference this speed classification system. This may also be the numeric identifier of a registered classification system.

speed_bins [REQUIRED]

The number of bins used in this classification system

speed_inc [REQUIRED]

Speed bin increment in the units specified by the 'FU' record. The left side of the first speed bin is 0.

speed_start [optional]

The width of the first speed bin in the units specified by the 'FU' record. If not set, this defaults to the speed_inc value

Note: You can provide labels for elements in this record using a SL header.


TS spd10,10,10
There are 10 defined bins plus one implied final bin. The first bin spans 0 to 10. This means the tally record must have 11 bin counts in its speed component array.
TS spd05_start40,11,5,40
There are 11 defined bins plus one implied final bin. The first bin spans 0 to 40. Then follows 10 more bins, stepping every 5. The implied final bin will start at 90 and continue to infinity. This means the tally record must have 12 bin counts in its speed component array.