Turning Movement ReportREST API

REST Service Endpoint


Example usage at GEOCOUNTS Toolkit - Turning Movement Report

Post Parameters
Parameter Meaning Type / Options Default
data GEOCOUNTS Raw Count data Required if not requesting data from a project. See projectid and filename parameter
projectid A GEOCOUNTS project to request data from. This is paired with the filename parameter Required if requesting data from a project
filename Name of a file in a project. This is paired with the projectid parameter Required if requesting data from a project
title Title of the report Optional
subtitle Subtitle of the report Optional
driveside Driving side of the road 'left' or 'right' right
datefmt Date format MMM dd, yyyy
height Height of the diagram in pixels Integer 600
width Width of the diagram in pixels Integer 500
scale Scale of the diagram. A value between 20 (microscopic) and 2000 (enormous) 180
renderas What to render the output as 'page' or 'div' page
controls Whether to add controls to the screen Choose 'top', 'bottom' or 'none' top
styles How to add styling Choose from 'none' or 'simple'. Any other value will be interpreted as a reference to an external style sheet. simple
canvasid The HTML 'id' attribute of the diagram canvas TMDCanvas